Saturday, 19 March 2011

Italy Scout - Katya Caradonna

I just met a scout from Italy on Facebook – KATYA CARADONNA

I was very nervous while speaking to her, as my English is not fluent enough. And I afraid that she could not understood me.

She’d travel a lot of countries. What she had seen heard experienced is totally impress me.

Her thinking are much more mature than mine, and she’s only 17, IMPRESSIVE.

Due to the education different of western and eastern country, western children are much more mature, no matter thinking, attitude or acting.

As western family will let their children travel alone, facing their own problem by themselves. So that will make them more mature in future.

For eastern family, most of them protect their child overmuch. They will never let their children facing their difficulties alone or solving their problems alone. Parents will always, stand out to protect their children.

I love her features, her big and double eye lids, reddish cheek colour, and high pretty nose. Not like mine, a classic Asian features – small and single eye lid, wide and big nose, the worst is my skin colour is not healthy, kinda yellowish.

From our conversation, I can tell that she’s energetic, warm and cheerful girl.

Love talking to her, hope to meet her soon.

Monday, 14 March 2011

Just for You – MIKI


她,就像我的big sister that always stay besides me




Dear MIKI,
MERRY 白色情人节to you too ❤

To all my FRIENDS
Happy Valentine’s to Y’ALL
(with loves and hugs)

Sunday, 13 March 2011

:: TOI et MOI ::

Actually my blog’s head title ‘TOI et MOI’ means ‘YOU and ME’ in French.
In French
‘ You ’ may translate as VOUS, TOI, TU, ON or TE
‘Me’ may translate as me or moi

I used TOI and MOI just to match the alphabets –OI
To make the head title a perfect alphabet match

The previous I re-open my blogspot, I named it SOMETHING I SHARE BETWEEN YOU AND ME
But then I felt that it’s to long and might be difficult to remember
THEN I changed it to YOU AND ME – the ENGLISH version
Until the beginning of March, I decided to close my wretch’s blog and to continue blogging here, I want my BLOGGIE NAME to be very very special, and so I change it in to the FRENCH name.

I name it TOI et MOI 
As what I write in this blog is like a diary for me
some stories I would like to share with my friends


With loves 

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Nothing Much but Love

There's something connnected between us, no matter who you are, no matter where you are, no matter what's the distance. It is LOVE.
It's a simple word that with a simple meaning. But, it's hard to fully understand it.

The world that we standing on, we though it was secure, full of happiness and prosperity, actually it is full of revenge, suffer and war.
The war between Palestine and Iraq and the others Arabian countries never end since centuries ago.
The riots happened in Indonesia between malays and chineses starts and never end.
And those religious war among those different religions.
All those unneccesary wars happened, did them mean anything?
Did them brings peace and secure to the world?
Did them mean anything to all the residents on earth?

We all were the same human-kind since thousand and thousand centuries.
The difference between us is only the diferrent colours of the skin, hair, langguage and culture.
Exclusion those, we all are the same type of living creture on earth.
Does cannibalism necessary between us?
We are the one.
We nothing different.

Why can't we give more love and stop those pointless disputes?
There's nothing much important but love.

Love could connect all of us.
With love, those disputes could end.
And love brings peace.