I never good in styling my hair, I'm not talented, hah! I just know how to tie a pony tail, and I know how to braid, but it looks kinda weird.
But when comes to a party or special occasion, I was like OMG, and I'll spend my whole day to do something to my hair, I tease, I spray, I comb and even iron my hair. But every time end up by washing my hair and blow dry, just let it hang on my shoulder (just like the picture above).
Well, and today, I finally got something new! A SIDE BUN ❤
Well, and today, I finally got something new! A SIDE BUN ❤
I have bangs with me, but normally while I'm not going out, I'll clip it a side or pin it up. Kinda messy huh?
This is the final look ❤
I pull my hair to a side, and bobby pin it. Then twist it to a bun and pin it with booby pins, use as much to secure the bun. If you have a lot of baby hair 'standing straight up', you can use a hair spray to 'tame' them, haha!
I know it seems easy and tons of blogger have show it before, but this is my first 'BONAZA' ❤
Chris ❤
you are so pretty! the bun looks cute too, and the wave are nice!!
Interesting! By the way, you are prtty!
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