Tuesday, 30 October 2012

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month


   It's the end of October, and October is the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
   Every girls (include guys) should know that the number of breast cancer patient is increasing year by year. After more than 25 years of spreading the word, 
more and more women are educating themselves on breast cancer and getting regular mammograms.
   We girls should probably learn more about breast cancer and tumor. Not only to protect yourself but also protect every females that besides every of you.
   There is no way to prevent breast cancer, kinda sad? But never give up. But maintaining the healthy weight, exercising, limiting alcohol intake may decrease the risk, expert says.

   Let me share some personal experience to you.
   Expert says that, female should not wearing a bra for more than 10 hours per day, as most of our Lymphatic system is around our chess, with wearing bra, they may block the circulation and slow down detoxing.
   I am not a girl who like wearing bra. I am totally bra-less if I'm not stepping out of the house. I never feel comfortable wearing bra, I feel stress wearing bra, and I don't like the feeling of something tide holding or pressing my breast and my chess. 
   All those pressure and uncomfy may slow down every function of Detoxification system around our chess, and it  will slow down our blood circulation and toxin can't be detox. Day by day, all those toxins that can't be detox, will hoard in our body and cause illness or even worst.

   Good luck and Happy Pinktober!


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